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2017.11.06 Online Training

It happened in our online training on 6th Nov,2017.
It seemed to be a normal game contract to defender, however it was easy to fall into declarer's trap.

Board 13
Both Vul

      West    North    East    South     
                    1♢        3♠       Pass     
      Pass      3NT       AP                     

      3NT   North

Trick     1     2     3     4
   1      ♠T   ♠7   ♠6   ♠J
   2      ♢9   ♢4   ♢Q  ♢3
        ♡Q   ?

East leads the ♠T and the declarer wins the ♠J in hand. Then declarer plays ♢9 to Dummy's ♢Q. After that, the declarer plays ♡Q from table quickly. How to play?

It seems that declarer holds ♡A. It is common knowledge that K should be played on the second trick to prevent partner's T from finesse on the next trick. Does common knowledge work well in this deal?

East plays ♢4 on the second trick, indicating that East holds odd cards in diamond. Obviously, East holds singleton. By analyzing the leading, declarer holds AQJ or KQJ or AKJ in spade. If declarer holds ♠AKJ, the contract is immortal. If declarer holds both ♡A and ♠KQJ, he will play spade on the second trick to knock out ♠A from West and hope that West holds ♡K as well as East doesn't play club when he wins on the second trick. So, declarer must hold ♠A through his play routine. If declarer holds ♡A, he will win 5♢, 2♡, 2♠ at least. In hence, ♡A in East is a necessary condition for defeating the contract. West should play ♡K immediately to protect partner's entry.

The full deal:
Board 13
Both Vul


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