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A wayward bidding 4NT?!

After one straight month of Chinese New Year and plenty of deadlines, I'm glad to say I'm still alive. This bidding happened in our first weekly online training in the new year.

Let's see the bidding first.

Board 5
Vul: N-S
Dealer: North
West                         North     East     South     West
AKJ3                              1♡        2NT*     Pass        3♡
T4                                 Pass       4♣        Pass        4♠
Q92                              Pass      4NT       
AKT2                          2NT: Michaels Cue Bid, 2 minor suits

What does 4NT mean? Obviously, 4♠ is a cue bidding which indicates the trump is ♣. Is that Roman Key Card Blackwood as we all know?

East could bid 3NT instead of 4♣, if he holds either ♡AX or ♡KX. If the cards of East are not too bad, he will bid 3♠ rather than 4♣ and let partner to choose a minor suit as the trump. 4♣ shows that East doesn't hold many points, just the minimum in the range of 2NT. So East is in no position to ask key cards. 4♠ shows that West doesn't have any key card on ♡. East should bid 5♣ directly if he holds two small hearts. After the deep analysis, 4NT in such bidding just means a little bit better than bidding 5♣ directly. In terms of the cards of West, West knows clearly that East is the minimum in the range of 2NT with a singleton ♡, so he has no reason to concern about ♡ and could bid 6♣ securely.

The full deal
Board 5
Vul: N-S
Dealer: North


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